Attention Parents/Guardians: Follow these guidelines to request homework for your student.
1. Notify the Attendance Office at 812-477-1046 of the dates the student is going to be out.
2. Bring in or have doctor fax us the doctor excuses. (FAX # 812-435-8858)
Email Ms. Patrick to request homework. (See guidelines below)
Homework Procedure:
1. The student must be out three (3) full, consecutive days before homework can be requested by the office.
2. All Requests must be received by Mrs. Effinger from the parent/guardian of the student, or the student may contact teachers to request work (be sure to copy Mrs. Effinger on this email).
3. Mrs. Effinger will email the parent to let him/her know when classwork is ready to be picked up—usually 24 hours after the initial request (M-F)—unless it is emailed to the parent/student.
4. If the student is at school, it is the student's responsibility to get all make-up work.
5. No further requests will be sent to teachers until all previously requested work has been completed and returned to Mrs. Effinger.
6. Keep in contact with your teachers, counselor, or the attendance office. Let them know if you have any questions or concerns.
Phone: 812-477-1046 Fax: 812-435-8858
*Please do not leave homework requests with the Attendance Office or the Attendance Office voice mail.