Drop/Add Policy

Harrison Drop/Add Policy

Course enrollment for next year is a very important process for our school. Our staffing is determined and the schedule is created based on what courses students choose to take next year. Because of this timeline and the impact it has on the entire student body, any course change should be made during this process. We are not able to honor requests made after the end of first semester.

Students and parents will have three (3) opportunities to make adjustments to next year’s courses:
• End of 1st Semester: Complete enrollment form
• Beginning of 2nd Semester: Course requests sent home
• End of 2nd Semester: Final schedules sent home

Any request for an elective class change should be made before the end of 2nd semester.
• Schedule changes will not be made when students return in August.

If a teacher identifies a skill deficiency within the first 3 weeks of school, s/he may request a level change if the course is required for graduation.
• After 3 weeks the student will remain in the current level until the end of the semester.

In the case of an issue with a teacher and/or academic concern:
• The teacher will be contacted.
• A conference may be held to develop a plan for future success.
• If the student is still struggling by the end of the semester, a teacher change may be made for the next semester.

End of semester changes may be made for the following reasons:
• Record of poor performance in the current course
• Failure of a course required for graduation
• Conflict with another academic program
• Exit interview completed to withdraw from an EVSC program
• Unresolved peer/teacher conflict
• Need for shortened day (see IDOE guidance for shortened day schedules)

* Advanced Placement (AP) courses have a separate set of guidelines. Please contact Ms. Sara Loete (AP Coordinator) for additional information.
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